Category: Juniors

For all junior section posts

Edinburgh Bowling Association U26 Fleming Singles Competition

Edinburgh Bowling Association U26 Fleming Singles Competition:

Preliminary Round Thursday 27 May – ONE SBC U26 player in this round,

1st Round Thursday 3 June – TEN SBC U26 players +ONE potentially from Prelim round previous week.


Alan Isbister has the Draw/U26 players entered for details (matches played at neutral venues, no matches played at Sighthill).


John McDermott (EBA Committee Member) will advise on rules for SBC members wishing to go along and support the players on the Thursdays above.

Juniors Competition

Going to start Juniors at 10am on Saturday 1st May. Can you let me know if you are able to attend. All junior internal competition entry sheets are on the notice board. Hope to see as many as possible there and I’m sure the sun will shine.


If you know anyone else that wants to come along and try it, please pass on this information to them

Sighthill Ladder 2020

The ladder League has now started. To view the standings head over to

Where you will be able to follow along. If you’d like to participate then please let me know and I will add you.

Great News!

You will all be pleased to hear that you no longer need to book a rink for playing bowls. Due to the moderate relaxation of social distancing we can now have all 12 rinks available on a first come first served basis as it was previous to the Covid-19 pandemic. Please remember that everyone must sign the guest book when entering to continue with track/trace requirements.