- If a player/s are deemed at a higher risk and have health issues, they should remain at home until Scottish Government guidelines change. Over 70’s can play if they deem themselves fit and healthy.
- Do not travel more than the recommended 5 miles to attend club.
- When you turn up to club, you will be directed round the right-hand side of the clubhouse round to the bowling greens. If you require access to your locker, a committee member/volunteer will assist one member at a time to locker room to ensure social distancing is observed.
- If you are more than 10 minutes late for your session, you won’t get access, as club grounds will be locked during sessions.
- The only access to clubhouse will be during your very first game to get your bowling equipment out your locker. After your game, this must be taken away and brought back with you for your next game.
- Players should only play individually, with members of their own household or between members of two households where social distancing can be maintained, e.g. ;
Singles – 2 from the same household or two separate households
Pairs – 2 from one household and 2 from another household
Three on a rink – 2 from one household and 1 from another household
You can’t have a Three on a rink with 1 from each of three households
You can’t have a pairs game if players are from 3 or 4 households
- Hand sanitisers must be used at regular interval throughout your game. You should ideally supply your own, but there will be some available.
- Players should NOT consume alcohol before, during or after play and smoking on the green should be discouraged.
- Any food, drink, and rubbish brought with you MUST be taken away with you when you leave. This is ESSENTIAL and there are no exceptions.
- Players MUST leave the premises immediately after conclusion of play, making sure they have sanitised the mats, jacks and their hands.
- Mats and jacks must be disinfected using spray provide after every game and left to dry for next session. Mats and jack to be touched by one person only before, during and after play.
- Do NOT share equipment, e.g. bowls, cloths, measures.
- 2 metre social distancing MUST always be observed on and off the green.
- No physical contact with other people on the green (out with their household).
- Spectators and Visitors are NOT allowed anywhere on club premises.
**Any questions regarding these policies, please contact a committee member for clarification**
**If anyone is found to be deliberately not following Government/Bowls Scotland guidance, this may result in Club withdrawing the opportunity to bowl**