EBA Leagues Restructure

We have received information from the Edinburgh Bowling Association regarding the new league structure commencing season 2024.

please read through at your convenience and let us know your thoughts. If you have any questions or suggestions then let a committee member know and we will ask them at the EBA AGM on your behalf.

FLat structure for 2024

The Committee proposed at the AGM in 2022 to change the current league structure from divisions 1 to 5 of first XVI teams and 1 to 3 of second XVI teams to a flat structure of divisions 1 to 8.

Divisions 1 to 5 would be formed from the current “Firsts” and Divisions 6 to 8 formed from the current “seconds”. From 2024 it is proposed this would become Divisions 1 to 8.

The overwhelming point raised was “Where will we be as a Club in the new set-up in 2024” I have attached the League set-up for 2024.

The committee can never know exactly what the format of each division will be until all entries are received. The proposal will be that Division 1 will always have 8 teams. Division 2 – 8 will be made up of 8 teams until the numbers dictate that a change to 7 must be made.

Proposed Committee changes to the rules and regulations are attached.

Any rule or regulation that a Club feels needs to be altered or if indeed a new rule requires to be introduced then please ensure it is to the General Secretary in writing before the 31st of October complete with a club as a seconder. Nothing can be changed at the AGM.

Part of the proposal will be that promotion and relegation will continue as two up and two down. There will be no limit on how far a team can be promoted or relegated. So theoretically a Division 1 club could end up in Division 8 and vice versa.

Clubs with 2 teams will be permitted to play in the same division. The fixtures will be set to play each other before week 3 to limit the opportunity for a club to manipulate the result and league outcome.

The movement of players between teams would remain. No player from a higher-ranked team would be permitted to play for a lower-ranked team. In simple terms, players can play up not come down.

Players from the B team who play in the A team will be permitted a maximum of 10 games. If a Club fields a player after the 10-game rule all points and shots will be lost

I would also encourage each team to register a name. Example Hillside Bears.  If 2 clubs have the same name, the Club registered first would keep the name the other would have to re-register. This is adopted in many sports now and makes it a bit more interesting when the names are established.

Over the years the bottom division has struggled to have a full season of meaningful games this change to a flat structure will eliminate this.

As an Association Committee, we have now been going for three years. We are trying extremely hard to provide competitive and meaningful bowls for a full season. We also must recognise the dwindling numbers that some Clubs are experiencing and their ability to compete. Therefore, feedback from the clubs to the Committee through your representative is essential so we as a committee know what you want moving forward.

Proposed changes to the Rules and Regulations 01.10.2023



Clubs may select players to represent them in: Singles, Pairs, Triples, and Fours knockout competitions.

Clubs may select players to represent them in: Singles, Single Sets, Pairs, Australian Pairs, Triples, and Fours knockout competitions.

3 Playing Rules

  1. c) Players are allowed 15 minutes to appear on the green, ready for play, otherwise Team Formats (as per relevant competition charts) when player/players short shall be invoked
  2. c) Players are allowed 30 minutes to appear on the green, ready for play, otherwise Team Formats (as per relevant competition charts) when player/players short shall be invoked


  1. e) If selected and meet the competition criteria, a player can represent their club and play in every / any EBA competition across the season. However, a player cannot play in more than one EBA Knockout Competition (Under 30’s, Singles, Pairs, Triples, Rinks and Mixed Rink) which are held at the end of the season. Senior members CAN play in both the Senior EBA Knockout and full EBA Knockout competitions.
  2. e) If selected and meet the competition criteria, a player can represent their club and play in every / any EBA competition across the season. However, a player cannot play in more than one EBA Knockout Competition (Under 30’s, Singles, Pairs, Triples, Rinks. remove Mixed Rink which are held at the end of the season. Senior members CAN play in both the Senior EBA Knockout and full EBA Knockout competitions.


Gents League Competition

Clubs must inform the Association Match Secretary of their intention to change their current league competition entries no later than 31st January each year. Once the structure has been decided, the new season’s fixtures will be drawn up and issued to the clubs by 28th February each year.

Clubs must inform the Association Match Secretary of their intention to change their current league competition entries no later than 28 February each year. Once the structure has been decided, the new season’s fixtures will be drawn up and issued to the clubs by 30 March each year.


 Clubs must inform the Association Match Secretary of their intention to participate in the current league Knockout competitions with entries no later than the 1st of June.


  1. c) Players are committed to the 1st Team if they have played 10 games for that Team. This number will reduce pro rata with the number of sides in the division at the time   
  2. c)    No alteration to the games allowed to be played as abone
  3. h)    Any Club who have players represented in the National Championshiops, British Isles (BIBC) who request a date change for a game, the opposing Club will accommodate this change. If no agreement is reached by the Clubs involved, then the Committee will set the revised match date.
  4. I) A Club through either promotion or demotion can have two teams in the one league.
  5. J) When two Clubs have representation in the one league the fixture Calendar will have Team A V B playing in game one and game B V A game 7

1st XV1 players cannot play for the 2nd XV1, or 3rd team
2nd XV1 players cannot play for the 3rd team
2nd XV1 players can play for the 1st XV1
3rd Team players can play for 1st XV1 or 2nd XV1
In short, players can move up but not down.

Team A players cannot play for Team B or 3rd team 
Team B players cannot play for the 3rd team
Team B players can play for Team A
3rd Team players can play for Team A and Team B
In short, players can move up but not down.


Tait Trophy Singles Competition

  1. a) The name of all competing clubs must be intimated to the Match Secretary of the Association no later than 31st
  2. b) Each competing club must be represented by the gent’s champion for the current year. (2022 champion plays in 2022 competition) Any player taking part in more than one club championship in any one year will be debarred from entering the competition for that year.


  1. c) Entry is open to all member clubs of Edinburgh Bowling Association.


  1. d) The Competition will take place during the month of August. The ties must be played off on Greens and on the dates fixed by Management. In the event of a green being unplayable the Umpire shall arrange for the tie to be played before the next round.


  1. e) Should any competitor fail to appear within fifteen minutes of the time fixed for the tie he shall forfeit the tie.


  1. f) Immediately after the game is completed the score card, signed by both players, must be sent to the Match Secretary of the Association.


  1. g) A memento will be presented to the winner and the runner up.



Tait Trophy Singles Competition

  1. a) The name of all competing clubs must be intimated to the Match Secretary of the Association no later than 31st
  2. b) Each competing club must be represented by the gent’s champion for the current year. (2024 champion plays in 2024 competition) Any player taking part in more than one club championship in any one year will be debarred from entering the competition for that year.


  1. c) Entry is open to all member clubs of the Edinburgh Bowling Association.


  1. d)The Competition will take place on a date set by Committee. The ties must be played off on Greens and on the dates fixed by Committee. In the event of a green being unplayable the Umpire shall arrange for the tie to be played prior to the next round.


  1. e) Should any competitor fail to appear within thirty minutes of the time fixed for the tie he shall forfeit the tie.


  1. f) Immediately after the game is completed the score card, signed by both players, must be sent to the Match Secretary of the Association.


  1. g) A memento will be presented to the winner and the runner up.



Ladies Singles Sets Competition (NEW ADDITTION)

This singles competition is a 4-bowl set format.

  1. a) A match, with each player having a matching set of four bowls, will consist of two sets, played over 11 ends, the finals will be played over 11 ends. The winner of each set will be the player with the most shots at the completion of the 11th end.
  2. b) A set will ONLY be decided, with advice from the marker as may be required, when it becomes impossible for a player to draw or win the set given the number of ends remaining. Players must play all ends until impossible to win the match. The winner of the match being the best of two sets.
  3. c) If the shot scores are tied after the last end of a set, the set will be drawn (scored 1/2-1/2). If the match is tied at two drawn sets or one set each, a best of three ends match tie breaker will be played to determine the winner. This will be the winner of each end and NOT the total number of shots won in the three ends.
  4. d) In all cases a “burnt end” will not count as an end. This will be replayed.
  5. e) The player winning the toss shall have the choice of starting or giving away the jack in the first set first end only. The loser of the toss shall have the choice of starting or giving away the jack in the second set first end only. In a match tie breaker, the player winning the toss shall choose whether to take the jack or give it away. The winner of that end shall decide whether to take the jack or give it away for the second end, likewise the third end (assuming it goes to a third end).
  6. f) Constituent clubs can enter up to 3 separate gents’ singles.
  7. g) If a club is unable to fulfil a match in this competition, that club is responsible for advising their opponent the host club and the Association Match Secretary immediately. Any club failing to do this may be subject to pen   alty proceedings.



Ladies Australian Pairs Knockout Competition (NEW ADDITTION)

Australian pairs is a 4 bowl, 2-4-2 pairs format competition.

  1. a) On the first end the LEAD bowlers’ delivers two (2) of their four (4) bowls. This is then followed by the SKIP bowling all four (4) of their bowls. Finally, the LEAD then bowls their remaining two (2) bowls completing the “end.”

On the second end the order of play is reversed. The SKIP now plays the Lead position and bowls two (2) of their four (4) Bowls. The LEAD player has now moved to being the Skip and bowls their four (4) Bowls. Finally, the SKIP, who is still playing as the lead on this end, bowls their remaining two (2) bowls.

The format of reversing the playing positions is then continued throughout the game.

  1. b) Constituent clubs can enter up to 3 separate gents’ pairs.
  2. c) If a club is unable to fulfil a match in this competition, that club is responsible for advising their opponent and the Association Match Secretary immediately. Any club failing to do this may be subject to penalty proceedings.



  1. I follow the proposed ‘cup-tie’ rule from 2024, where a player in Team B can sub in Team A up to a maximum of 10 games.
    (NO arrangement for Team A players to ‘sub down’ to Team B).

    Regarding this paragraph stating:
    “Players from the B team who play in the A team will be permitted a maximum of 10 games. If a Club fields a player after the 10-game rule, all points and shots will be lost.”
    I assume that this ‘maximum 10 games’ rule will be the responsibility of each EBA Club to oversee and adhere to?

    How does the EBA Committee intend to ‘police’ this arrangement from next season to ensure the rule is both adhered to and not abused by each club?

    Does the Club Committee have ‘Team Name’ suggestions for Sighthill A & Sighthill B for the EBA League 2024?

  2. I hope the changes to the EBA rules will be raised at the Seniors and club Bowling AGM as some seniors do play for the club teams. Especially the format changes to both the 4 bowl sets and the Australian Pairs competitions. It is also important to highlight change whereby a club does not fulfil its obligation to turn up for a match. It clearly states that now the offending club could be subject to penalty proceedings.

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