Club Update

Important Club Update

Due to the current circumstances with the Club being shut with this lockdown, our Treasurer Graeme Eddington, has had to review our finances for the year ahead.

As things stand our only source of income is from membership fees. We have had a great response from members and as at Wednesday evening we have received £8,500 in fees. That’s just under a THIRD of the total that we hope to bring in.
Graeme has managed to deal with our creditors and without going into detail we have a few things deferred for a period of time but there are certain bills that we are unable to remove from the business. Our outgoings for the next 3 months have been reduced by roughly 70% to assist us through this period. In summary, without any more fees coming in and the bills outgoing we have 3 MONTHS until the money runs out. We need your help in order for YOUR Club to survive. If we can get everyone to pay their fees then the better chance we have to survive this difficult period and save YOUR Club.

There are a few options to pay fees:

  • Should you need the bank details then please contact either Davy Connelly (07837838510), Graeme Eddington (07894008499) or John Green (07984444400).
  • Cash or cheque can be dropped off through the Club letterbox or cheque posted to the Club.
  • I can arrange a meet or a visit to your home where I can pick up cash or cheque. A receipt will be given for your fees.

The Committee would like to thank all members who have paid fees and hope that those still to pay will do so ASAP. However, due to what’s going on, if anyone is struggling to pay fees then please get in touch with Davy, Graeme or John where we can discuss the options possible. We certainly DO NOT want to lose any members.

This is YOUR Club and in order for us to survive, get bowling again and trade as a business we really do need YOUR help and support.

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